Interior exhibition space

Interior exhibition space

Interior Model. Scale 1:100

Interior Model. Scale 1:100

Exterior close up

Section model. Scale 1:300

Section model. Scale 1:300

Organisation prinziple of the spatial knot prototype

Organisation prinziple of the spatial knot prototype

Overall circulation scheme

Overall circulation scheme

Variations of the basic knot

Variations of the basic knot

Exterior View

Exterior View

Facade concept

Facade concept

Massing studies

Massing studies

Downtown Los Angeles

Downtown Los Angeles

Center for digital art and media technology


Thinking of the manifold as a geometric distribution, that opens up the possibility to create an intricate interweaving of production and display units and blending the boundaries in between, lead to the development of a prototypical unit of a spacial knot.
The final building consist of multiple variations of this basic knot creating big continous exhibition spaces on the one side, shifting to an interwoven programmatic disposition of workshop and event spaces and further on to a smaller scale office space condition on the other side.
The facade takes up the continuity of the building volume onto a finer grain of scale.
Like a filtering Layer, the facade property changes gradiently, from very porous conditions for the working/office spaces to fully closed up situations for museum spaces.